Sunday, June 20, 2010

iBooks with Ivan

One of the things I've enjoyed most about Ivan is the iBooks feature. Not only can I surf the web, play games, manipulate photo's, and listen to music, I can also read books on this thing... I don't know why everyone hasn't flown out of their homes to get one of these things.

Anyways, Here's a picture of what the screen that holds all of my iBooks looks like aka the Library.

And here's a basic look at what it looks like when you're actually reading the book.

Amazon's kindle also has an app. I prefer using iBooks, the layout is not only prettier, but the books are easier to scan through and the picture quality is significantly better. The kindle reader app isn't terrible. I'm reading a few books on it that weren't available through iBooks. The page turning response is noticeably slower and it also only displays one page at a time as apposed to the 'book' feel you get with the dual page display on iBooks.

Until next time.


BA & Ivan

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