Sunday, June 20, 2010

iBooks with Ivan

One of the things I've enjoyed most about Ivan is the iBooks feature. Not only can I surf the web, play games, manipulate photo's, and listen to music, I can also read books on this thing... I don't know why everyone hasn't flown out of their homes to get one of these things.

Anyways, Here's a picture of what the screen that holds all of my iBooks looks like aka the Library.

And here's a basic look at what it looks like when you're actually reading the book.

Amazon's kindle also has an app. I prefer using iBooks, the layout is not only prettier, but the books are easier to scan through and the picture quality is significantly better. The kindle reader app isn't terrible. I'm reading a few books on it that weren't available through iBooks. The page turning response is noticeably slower and it also only displays one page at a time as apposed to the 'book' feel you get with the dual page display on iBooks.

Until next time.


BA & Ivan

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life with Ivan

Ivan has been in my life for a little over two weeks now. And my only complaint is about how long it takes him to charge after he's gotten sleepy. I've downloaded plenty of app's and will be reviewing quite a few of them soon, but for now I'd just like to give ya'll a little example of what Ivan means to me.

Needless to say Ivan has revolutionized my life. I immediately found myself wishing I could have had him with me earlier in my life. Most of what I use him for is to look up stuff about LOST. I really wish I could have gotten this thing when the show was still on the air, bc I would have been looking at all my favorite blogs every morning. I really would have liked to have had Ivan back in January when I went to Oahu for the premiere of the sixth season of LOST. Since I have a lot of time on my hands, and since Ivan is awesome I decided to recreate my trip as if Ivan had been there along with me....

Here's a picture of Ivan and I walking down Police Beach in Haleiwa, Oahu where the LOST beach camp set is.

Here's Ivan posing in front of Sawyer's tent at the Beach Camp.

Here's Ivan getting ready to take a dip in Waimea Falls, known to LOST fans as Sawyer and Kate's waterfall. He's wearing floaties because his shape isn't conducive to swimming.

Yes, there's an App for that!

With all that being said, Ivan continues to amaze me with how awesome he is.

Until next time.


BA & Ivan

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The joy of being a new mother.

Like any new mother I was slightly nervous about meeting my little bundle of joy but mostly overcome with inexplicable feeling of pride and excitement.

There was so much to do before I could bring him home.... I had to download all the app's I thought he needed so they would be ready upon his arrival. Take a closer look at my music library and create new playlists that I thought my little booger would enjoy. And set up the nursery so that he would feel right at home....

When the time came for us to meet I couldn't have been more pleased. I'd been waiting weeks (a rather short gestation period in comparison to actual child birth, I realize) for him to enrich my life and within minutes we'd be meeting for the first time.

When I first laid eyes on him I realized he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.... sure people say all babies (or iPads in this case) look alike, but ivan was special....spectacular even. One of a kind.

I made sure to take the proper precautions on the ride home. Apple has yet to make car seats for the iPad, so I took matters in to my own hands....

Safety First, people.

I'm sure this seems absolutely ridiculous. And I couldn't agree more.... But rest assure,there are many more adventures ahead.

Until next time,


BA & ivan